Wirral LMC Principal & Sessional Elections 2024

RESULTS – Wirral LMC Principal & Sessional Elections 2024

A total of 5 nomination forms (3 principal and 2 sessional) were submitted by the deadline on Friday 16 February 2024 for the 6 vacancies (3 principal and 3 sessional), and so the successful candidates have automatically been re-elected on to Committee for a 4 year term commencing on 1 April 2024 and informed accordingly:

Dr S Christopher, re-elected principal

Dr S Majeed, re-elected principal

Dr H Hashemi, re-elected principal

Dr G Francis – re-elected sessional

Dr J Whittingham-Jones – re-elected sessional


Wirral LMC Principal & Sessional Elections 2024

In accordance with the Constitution of Wirral Local Medical Committee, a number of the elected members retire on 31 March 2024 and therefore it is necessary to invite nominations for members to serve on the Committee for a four-year term starting on 8 April 2024 and ending on 31 March 2028.

There is one vacancy and  5 retiring members whom are eligible for re-election, as follows:-
Dr S Christopher,  Dr G Francis,  Dr H Hashemi,  Dr S Majeed  &  Dr J Whittingham-Jones.

Therefore, the LMC invites nominations for a total of 6 vacancies; 3 principal and 3 sessional. If you wish your name to be included in the list of candidates for election, please see links for principal and sessional nomination forms. The nomination form makes provision for a short supporting statement by the candidate for inclusion in the ballot paper.

Please return your completed nomination form to Sarah Lepts (Returning Officer) at Wirral LMC office, Maritime House, 14-16 Balls Road, Oxton, CH43 5RE by post or email to info@wirral-lmc.org.uk from an NHS email account no later than 12 noon on Friday 16 February 2024 to ensure inclusion in the election process. Regretfully, forms received after this deadline will not be included in the Election. If you wish to confirm receipt, please telephone 07949346069 or email info@wirral-lmc.org.uk. A ballot will only be necessary if more than 6 nominations are received.

Timetable WIRRAL LMC ELECTION 2024 Principal & Sessional

Election Nomination Form for Principals

Election Nomination Form for Sessionals