Role of the LMC
LMCs have both statutory and non statutory functions.
Statutory roles of LMC are those concerned mostly with the interest of the individual General Practitioner in relation to his/her contract with NHS England, or other Primary Care Organisations acting as employing organisations (including GP practices) and the continuing dialogue between the LMC and NHS England/CCGs.
Non-statutory roles of LMC include but not limited to:
- Medico-legal functions which are primarily concerned with the collective interest of General Practitioners (irrespective of contractual status) as a group and these operate through a quite separate channel, consisting of LMCs, Conference of LMCs, the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) of the BMA and the Department of Health (DH).
- Promoting and representing the core values of the profession which are:
- Equity and fairness
- Openness
- Equal opportunities
- Representativeness
- Advising and representing on all matters concerning GPs as
- Provider of services
- Commissioner of services
- Professional – educator, trainer, academics, leaders, etc.
- Communicating with GPs on all matters that affects
- GPs’ professional life
- effectiveness of their practices
- Supporting GPs on matters relevant to general practice including:
- GPs’ remuneration
- GPs’ terms and conditions of service
- GPs’ performance management
- Partnership issues
- Premises
- Dispute with PCOs, CQC or other bodies
Detailed understanding of the roles of LMC can be gained by reading these documents which have been produced by the General Practice Committee (GPC) of BMA.